New Whitepaper! Enhancing ESG Risk Analysis with Owlin: Adding an Outside-In View to Supply Chain Monitoring

Counterparty Risk Monitoring

Counterparty Risk Monitoring Service Provider

Driven by an uncertain world, escalating costs, and increasing regulatory pressure, obtaining the necessary controls around assets and counterparties and getting a proactive view of emerging risks is more complex than ever.

Discover how Owlin’s powerful counterparty risk monitoring solution helps you set up an early warning system by monitoring adverse media, allowing you to mitigate risks in time.

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Take a Proactive Approach to Detect and Manage Counterparty Risk Promptly

Wide Coverage

Over 3M sources across 17 languages are enhanced by granular factors (such as key people and subsidiaries) that help form a better picture where other information is unavailable.


Portfolio Transparency

Dynamic portfolio ranking based on different types of risk helps detect emerging risks and sift the signals from the noise. Cover large portfolios and offset those with various risk factors, including financial & legal risk events, operational risk events, or ESG-factors.


Timely Action

Discover the power of our user-friendly web-based applications, offering a comprehensive visual overview that enables a proactive assessment of potentially significant events. Stay ahead of emerging risks with personalized alerts for your portfolio companies, delivered through push notifications or a convenient daily/weekly newsletter.

A One-stop Shop

Integrate market data, internal research, and exposures with the Owlin platform, and obtain a 360-degrees, real-time perspective on any material changes in- and outside your investment portfolio or business environment.

Frequently Asked Questions About Counterparty Risk Monitoring

What is Adverse Media Monitoring for Counterparty Risk?

When businesses monitor counterparties by closely tracking the news, we call this adverse media monitoring.

What Challenges Do Businesses Face When Monitoring for Adverse News?

For many businesses, adverse media monitoring is a labor-intensive endeavor in which individuals are assigned to conduct thorough risk assessments manually. In order to find relevant risk signals, teams scrutinize media outlets and relevant data to identify any unfavorable incidents linked to their counterparties.

How Can Organizations Leverage Technology to Monitor Adverse Media?

Organizations can revolutionize their adverse media monitoring approach by embracing cutting-edge technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and harnessing the power of Natural Language Processing (NLP). These technologies can help them broaden their scope and allow them to monitor for risk signals 24/7. This enables them to unearth critical insights that might have otherwise gone unnoticed, elevating their risk management capabilities to new heights.

Liberate Your Team from the Burden of Counterparty Monitoring

Take the first step and contact Owlin to book a demo. We would love to tell you more about our state-of-the-art AI-based solution tailored for counterparty risk monitoring. Embrace the transformative capabilities that await you!



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