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Explore our platform

Our state-of-the-art Natural Language Processing platform allows you to monitor, analyze, and extract insight from millions of sources simultaneously, across multiple languages, and in near real-time.

The new standard for Third-Party Risk Monitoring.

All your data. Combined.

Our flexible SaaS platform contains valuable, state-of-the-art tools to cluster, extract, score, and visualize unstructured data. Millions of sources are mined and indexed in real-time, to make sure material events are captured.


Millions of news and web sources. Enrich with premium content or internal data.

Machine translation

Multiple language support, including English, Chinese and Russian.


Similar events are deduplicated and clustered on the fly.

Event Scoring

Capture any signal or event using our introspectable and auditable scoring models.


Classify entities, topics and events through our flexible and precise query language.


Uncover millions of entities, persons and locations using our proprietary Knowledge Graph.


RESTful API that allows for easy integration with internal environments and models.


Powerful SaaS applications with a visual, easy-to-use User Interface.

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Powerful Analytics

Powerful Analytics


Owlin understands over 17 different languages, including English, traditional and simplified Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Portuguese, Italian, German, Spanish, French, Dutch, Danish, Swedish, Polish and Romanian-covering around 80 percent of all languages used on the internet.



A powerful, flexible, and highly accurate query language that enables the classification of entities and topics, as well as the distillation of material stories and events.


Using Machine Learning, Owlin deduplicates similar articles and clusters similar stories, helping to remove clutter, save time, and gauge the buzz around a specific topic or event.

Entity & Theme Extraction

Owlin’s proprietary Knowledge Graph is able to detect millions of organizations, persons, and locations on the fly, and gives you insight into peers, trending players within a domain, or flag adjacent risks. Our Theme detection feature provides you with insight into the unknown unknowns, helping you to signal emerging risk on time.

Event Scoring

Articles and documents are scored and ranked by buzz, risk, or sentiment to provide you with informative at-a-glance insights. Scoring taxonomies provide highly accurate event classification on credit risk, ESG factors, strategic events, or any internal custom framework.

One-Stop-Shop Data Platform

One-Stop-Shop Data Platform

News & Data Mining

Owlin’s proprietary News & Data Mining pipeline provides over 5 years of historical news and web coverage across >3M sources. Coverage includes traditional media, highly specialized or local news sources, corporate websites, regulatory authorities, and government publications.

Premium content

We partner with leading data vendors and media publishers to provide you with premium content, such as equity pricing, CDS curves, performance indicators, premium news outlets, and research publications.

Internal data

Index and analyze internal documents to get a 360-degree view of portfolio events and overcome internal business silos. Include research, exposures, and get an integrated view of assets, clients, or counterparties.

API and SaaS Platform Solutions

API and SaaS Platform Solutions

Owlin Platform

The Owlin Platform provides a visual, user-friendly user experience to turn huge amounts of data into structured insight. Get a live overview of all portfolio events and ensures early warnings and opportunities are visualized. Various workflow features, such as push notifications and export functionalities, ensure seamless integration with your team’s daily workflow.

Owlin API

Our HTTP REST API gives the ability to connect complex data feeds directly to your internal models and dashboards, or end-customer platforms. Our API endpoints are flexible, easy to use, provide real-time delivery, and a wide range of metadata fields, scores, and analytics.

3rd Party Integrations

Embed Owlin’s powerful capabilities within your own research or monitoring workflow, through various 3rd party integrations that provide real-time news and data analysis to your end-user application. Owlin is available with FitchConnect, FactSet, and Salesforce - and many more are on our roadmap, catering to each use-case.

Powerful solutions

Discover the powerful solutions we offer to a wide range of departments and roles within financial institutions and corporates — and how we help them signal risk, discover opportunities, increase efficiencies and save time.

Our Solutions

Want to see Owlin in action?

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