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Owlin API

Integrate our insights into your workflow

Never miss a signal relevant to your business. Owlin can fully integrate with other systems to deliver data and insights exactly where you need them in your workflow.

Our API design allows flexible and efficient integration that allows us to scale with your data needs. Clear documentation and end-points enable traceable data flows to your internal models, dashboards, or end-customer platforms.

We can track any entity with an online footprint, ensuring you stay informed about your third-party relationships.

How do we make sure you get the full picture?

Our mission is to shape a better-informed world by proactively providing insights into counterparties, clients, vendors, suppliers, competitors, and prospects, continuously and in real-time. Giving you all the data points you need to get to a detailed impact assessment quickly and efficiently.

>3 million sources

Millions of news and web sources. Enrich with premium content or internal data.

Global coverage

Want to monitor for adverse media in Russian, Korean or Japanese? No problem. Our algorithms monitor 17 different languages.

Filter out noise

We make sure similar events are deduplicated and clustered. This way, you will not be overwhelmed by a large number of articles.

Event Scoring

With our introspectable and auditable scoring models, we make sure that you will be able to capture any signal or event that’s relevant.


Our query language allows you to retrieve information from all the different sources. It classifies entities, topics, and events precisely and flexibly.


The Owlin platform helps you find information quickly. Uncover millions of entities, persons, and locations using our proprietary Knowledge Graph.

Personalized lenses

We strive to create a personalized experience that serves the use case of our customers. Therefore, our users can configure lenses and scores.

Always improving

Owlin’s client-first approach ensures that customer feedback is an integral part of our product priorities evolving our product with your needs.

Interested in the Owlin API?

Send us a message via our contact form on our contact page. We get in touch with you within 24 hours.

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Discover what our partners say about our API

Discover what our partners say about our API


Venminder is the industry’s leading third-party risk management solution provider.

“Monitoring vendors on a continual basis to identify and address any issues before they become larger problems is critical. Our partnership with Owlin delivers valuable adverse media risk intelligence to our customers. They use this data to determine if their vendors are putting their organization’s reputation at risk and empowers them to make better risk-based decisions.” – James Hyde, Chief Executive Officer Venminder

DiligenceVault is a secure digital diligence platform – built with an industry ecosystem in mind.

At DiligenceVault we always look for best-in-class solutions that are complementary to our services and create value for our customers. Owlin’s Risk Intelligence search and analysis software can help our customers analyze the wealth of news on the internet and facilitate insightful decisions, and we are happy to recommend their services to our customers. Giulia Baiocchi, Head of Partnerships at DiligenceVault


SecurityScorecard is the global leader in cybersecurity ratings. Moreover, it’s the only service with millions of organizations continuously rated.

“Our customers rely on SecurityScorecard to provide insightful and reliable information on the security posture of their critical vendors. Owlin’s Risk Intelligence data helps us meet this need and keep our customers ahead of an ever evolving threat landscape” – Prasad Raman, Senior Director, Alliances – SecurityScorecard

Stravito is an insights management solution that allows users to securely store and share all market research and insights across their organization.

“At the end of the day, one of our main goals is to help our clients make more insights-backed decisions at speed and at scale, in order to grow and maintain market share. Our partnership with Owlin will help to enhance the competitive intelligence available in the Stravito platform and make it easier for users to access it quickly. Because in today’s marketplace, the right decision made too late can be what makes the difference between the success of one company and the setback of another. This partnership is also a part of our commitment to help our customers stay resilient, even in uncertain times, and to get the most value from their market and competitive insights.” – Thor Olof Philogène, CEO and Founder of Stravito

Trust Alliance has been delivering reliable compliance solutions for over ten years.

“I look forward to the collaboration with Owlin, a partnership that enables Trust Alliance to offer even more high-quality solutions to our clients. With the partnership, we can provide our clients with a fully managed risk & compliance service equipped with the most current and real-time information. Owlin’s expertise in providing real-time news and insights adds value to our clients in onboarding and monitoring third parties. Therefore, the partnership adds an extra dimension to our existing offering.” – Dave van Gulik, Director at Trust Alliance

Use cases

Owlin offers powerful AI solutions that help you identify risk, discover opportunities, increase efficiencies, and save time:

Discover our powerful API

Want to know how Owlin API can help you or your clients make better-informed decisions? Schedule a free demo with one of our sales representatives!

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