New Whitepaper! Enhancing ESG Risk Analysis with Owlin: Adding an Outside-In View to Supply Chain Monitoring

Third-Party Risk Management

Driven by volatile market dynamics, increasing regulatory scrutiny and societal pressure, it has become more difficult to be fully in control of the risk assessment of vendors, clients, investments and counter parties and take a proactive view on emerging risk.

Proactive Risk Monitoring

Owlin is an AI platform for Third Party Risk Management that helps you to detect critical events and sift through the noise for relevant signals in a timely fashion.

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Where you benefit from Owlin

Global Coverage

Monitor over three million sources, across a dozen languages and extract key events, people and entities that might impose risk to your environment.

Create full insights in your landscape, regardless of geography or language barriers.

Portfolio Transparency

Rank your portfolio dynamically based on different types of risk. Detect emerging risk and sift the signals from the noise. Cover large portfolios and drill-down by various risk factors, including financial, legal or operational risk or ESG-factors.

Timely Action

Our intuitive web-based applications provide a visual overview and gives you a proactive perspective on potentially material events.  Personalized alerts for your portfolio companies in form of push notifications or daily/weekly newsletter helps you stay ahead of any emerging risk.

A One-Stop-Shop

Integrate market data and internal research with the Owlin platform and obtain a 360 degrees, real-time perspective on any material changes in- and outside your third-party portfolio or business environment.

Owlin for Third-Party Risk Management

Get in touch with Owlin now to coordinate a demo and uncover the groundbreaking potential of our cutting-edge AI-driven system tailored for third-party risk management. Discover how our advanced technology empowers your team to effortlessly and effectively navigate the realm of third-party risk:

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