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Owlin Solution Talks: Stefan Peekel About Owlin’s Approach to Adverse Media Monitoring

In this new interview series, we speak with Owlin’s leadership to explore how our innovative solutions are shaping the future of third-party risk management. Today, we’re joined by Stefan Peekel, Chief Growth Officer at Owlin, who will share insights on how our AI-driven approach to adverse media monitoring helps businesses stay ahead of emerging risks in a fast-paced world. We’ll also dive into the latest features and future innovations that will keep Owlin at the forefront of the industry.

You have been with the company for three years. What have you learned about how Owlin’s adverse media monitoring stands out in the market?

“Owlin sets itself apart with its ability to monitor the news quickly, cover many sources, and provide users with easy-to-digest insights. Our company’s structure allows us to adapt to the ever-changing third-party risk landscape quickly, ensuring we remain responsive to shifting demands. This flexibility enables us to tailor our solutions to meet each client’s unique needs, enhancing their overall experience and ensuring a perfect fit for their specific requirements.”

Can you give an example of those shifting demands?

“Many of our prospects and current clients are dealing with regulatory pressure like the German Supply Chain Act in Europe or the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act. These don’t only require you to monitor third parties actively but also to prove that you have taken action and followed up. 

So, therefore, a question we get asked often is how the Owlin tool will make them compliant with these regulations. We are quite good at this because one of the key features of our tool is its explainability.

Through audit trails, cases, and notes, we allow users to track what actions were taken based on the insights provided. This means we don’t just monitor adverse media, but we also help our clients document and verify what has been done with that information, ensuring accountability and compliance.”

How does Owlin leverage AI for adverse media monitoring, and what innovations are being planned to stay ahead of the curve? 

“Of course, we are continuously looking for ways to improve our product and leverage AI in smarter ways. A big drive for us to do this, is that, we’ve noticed that our clients need to manage more risk with the same team due to increasing demands from the market, regulations, and company leadership. 

Owlin’s AI-powered tools help our clients stay ahead by making it easier to identify risks quickly and efficiently. However, we know that the quality of the output from AI models is only as good as the data we feed them, which is why we’re always focused on improving data quality and expanding our data sources.”

Can you give an example of an improvement you made leveraging AI?

Recently, we introduced Portfolio Risk Summaries, leveraging advanced AI and large language models to summarize the most relevant news stories. This allows our clients to interpret adverse media signals in a fraction of the time, pointing them directly to the insights that matter. 

How do you see the market for adverse media monitoring evolving in the next 3-5 years? How can Owlin position itself to be a leader in this space?

“In 2024, Chartis Research recognized us as a Category Leader in the Adverse Media Monitoring Quadrant. Moving forward, we will continue strengthening our leadership by introducing innovative features that extract more valuable insights from negative news. Beyond adverse media, we aim to enhance our offering by integrating signals from diverse sources, such as consumer reviews, 8K and 10K filings, to provide a more holistic view of risk.

A key focus will be on deepening our integrations, enabling clients to seamlessly access critical insights within the platforms they already rely on, eliminating the need to toggle between dashboards. This streamlined approach will allow them to focus more on risk management rather than on tool management.

Lastly, we will place a greater emphasis on forming strategic partnerships with other industry-leading platforms and data providers. We believe in and support the vision of a one-stop-shop experience for third-party risk practitioners where they can seamlessly access all the relevant data. We simply want our clients to have as much data as possible in one place. “

Thank you Stefan!

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