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Regulation Monitoring For Payment Service Providers

Payment Service Providers are regulated entities; therefore, staying up to date on the global regulatory environment is crucial. Owlin’s Regulation Monitor for Payment Service Providers helps Compliance teams to do just that. Find out how we ensure you are the first to know about new regulations, regulation changes, and other actions from regulators!

Step 1: combining all the suitable data sources

With the Owlin Regulation Monitor, you will be leveraging Owlin’s proprietary news and data pipeline, which monitors over 3 million sources translated from 16 languages. Moreover, you can enrich this data with premium content or integrate it with internal data to come to a one-stop shop of essential intelligence.

Step 2: analyzing and structuring

We apply AI (Natural Language Processing) to provide valuable insights hidden in the data. This way, we enable Payment Service Providers to stay on top of changes in regulations and updates that are relevant to them.

Step 3: intuitive dashboard and scheduled or direct alerts

How do you want us to inform you about regulatory news? That’s up to you! With a dashboard, newsletters, e-mail alerts, or API integration, we ensure that updates are correctly integrated into your workflows.

Sign up for our Free Regulatory Newsletter for Payment Service Providers

Owlin’s free Owlin Regulation Monitor provides you with the latest news about regulations, regulatory news, and other actions from regulators. By signing up, you will get access to Owlin’s proprietary news and data pipeline, which monitors over 3 million sources across 16 languages.

Get a taste of what your regulations monitor might look like by signing up for our Monthly Regulations Newsletter for Payment Service Providers, in which we share the latest international regulations news.

More about Owlin for KYC

Owlin for KYC offers Payment Service Providers one solution for onboarding and monitoring. Schedule a meeting with one of our sales representatives for more information about our product. We are excited to get to know you!

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