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An Owlin employee explaining the origins of Quantum Mechanics

Willems’ passion lies with everything that requires mathematical and computer modeling. Willem dedicated more than a decade of his life to science; Willem completed his master’s degree within the area of theoretical physics in 2003. As passionate as he is about physics, it wasn’t a surprise that he continued within the area of physics and pursued a career as a PhD, and later as a postdoctoral researcher on the subject of quantum gravity. At that time, Willem did not know that this was the fundament for the success he has nowadays. For over the last couple of years, Willem dedicated a significant part of his life attempting to derive quantum mechanics from first principles.

Currently Willem is occupied and using his talents, skills and passion for Owlin as a data scientist. Owlin is a new way of detecting events, analyzing the web and ranking news, going beyond existing solutions. Users no longer have to search for news – relevant news is pushed straight to their dashboard. The system shows real-time in-depth analysis of the news topics, the online buzz and reliability. Enabling users to be better informed and react faster if strikes, high-impact publicity or disasters happen.

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