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Third-Party Risk Management Transformation

The role of technology & data in addressing 2022’s TPRM Challenges

Major events over the past few years like Brexit, the Covid-19 Pandemic, disruptions due to the Suez Canal blockage and various natural and physical disasters have highlighted the complexity of the interconnected global business landscape, as well as the considerable impact when business or supply chain connections are strained or broken. The third-party risk management (TPRM) market is looking for ways to better understand and control the expanding risk universe.

In this white paper, our Third-Party Risk specialists provide their view on the challenges the market is facing in 2022.

You will learn:

  • Which events, topics and trends are playing major roles in the transformation of the TPRM market
  • How technology is disrupting the TPRM market
  • How companies can anticipate these developments and be in full control

Download your copy of our vision on 2022’s TPRM Challenges, we are happy to hear your thoughts!

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