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The Complexity of Assessing Sentiment in Text: Owlin’s Approach

Owlin's NLP technology evaluates risk in articles, generating individual and aggregated scores for informed decision-making. What makes this approach unique?

How Does High Inflation Affect for Third Party Risk Management?

In this white paper, we discuss how high inflation challenges Third Party Risk Management and why using NLP technology for real-time insights into your supply chain is an innovative and effective...

Simplifying TPRM: use risk intelligence scoring to cut through complexity

This white paper shares our views on how sentiment scoring can add value in the third party risk domain and how we at Owlin have adopted a framework to perform effective scoring.

Third-Party Risk Management Transformation

In this white paper, the Third-Party Risk specialists of Owlin provide their view on the challenges and trends the TPRM market is facing in 2022.

Augmenting ESG Ratings With NLP for Better Investments

This white paper examines the drawbacks of current ESG ratings and how their effects translate through the chain to investment firms and their clients.

Empowering Leading PSPs With Adverse News Monitoring

PSPs are expanding globally but face challenges in compliance and risk management. Automated adverse news screening, like Owlin's, helps mitigate financial and compliance risks.

How Adverse News Monitoring Benefits Companies With Large Client Portfolios

Financial crimes are soaring due to outdated monitoring systems. Adverse news screening, like Owlin's, offers proactive monitoring to prevent misconduct.

Building Resilient Supply Chains Through Technology

Owlin's new white paper deep dives into how technology enables financial organizations to track risks and identify opportunities within their supply chains.

Financial Markets Outlook: opportunities, trends & challenges ’21

To help financial institutions adapt and smooth their journey ahead, here are our actionable insights and solutions on how to capitalize on the opportunities and overcome the hurdles of 2021.

Why use of real-time news analytics rises during turbulent economic times

This white paper is about how NLP improves your performance during the Covid-19 Crisis by optimizing insights in emerging risk in your investment portfolio.

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